
Behavioural Finance

The innovative discovery tool we use will take you through some behaviour questions so you can better know yourself and how you really make decisions. And when it's all done, a diagnostic using behavioural finance theory will take all that information and tell us how you often behave, how we can work best with you and what the next steps are in creating your strategy - prioritized by what matters to you. A wealth strategy which manages the important things like your retirement, your kid's education, your family cottage - not just your money. 

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What tightening financial conditions mean for the global economy

Tightening financial conditions are raising concerns about the health of the economy, and the ability of central banks to rein in inflation in a controlled manner. Greg Bonnell speaks with Brad Simpson, Chief Wealth Strategist at TD Wealth, about the state of the global economy.

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Making up for lost time with a sound retirement plan

Steve and Lee-Ann know that the path to retirement has many twists and turns. They found that having the right TD Wealth advisor to help answer their questions, even the ones they didn't know to ask, can help uncover new possibilities. Find out how personalized retirement planning helped this couple retire earlier and make up for lost time.

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When to update your estate plan: 5 key life moments

So you’ve set up your estate plan. That’s great! But that doesn’t mean your job is done. It’s important to regularly review your documents and keep them up to date. Forgetting to do so could create challenges down the road. Anthony Okolie speaks with Treva Newton, Tax and Estate Planner, TD Wealth, about occasions when you should be updating your estate plan.

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Marrying later: What should mature couples consider?

More couples are waiting until later to get married, with some tying the knot in their 40s and 50s when they have greater assets and lived experiences to share. In those cases, what discussions should you be having with your partner ahead of time? Anthony Okolie and Mindi Banach, Tax and Estate Planner, TD Wealth, chat about some of the topics you might want to address to help your marriage start off on the right foot.

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Tax season 2023: Ideas to lower your tax bill

With tax season underway, there are some deductions and credits you might want to keep in mind as you file your return for 2022. Nicole Ewing, Director of Tax and Estate Planning, TD Wealth, joins Anthony Okolie with the details.

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