
  • Leaving a lasting legacy for your family can involve careful planning and a team of professionals. Here are five questions that can help get you started.

  • Stepfamilies are common, but planning for who gets what after you die is anything but routine. When families come together, each with their own possessions, ensuring your assets go where you want is key.

  • For couples who meet later in life, retirement planning may seem a little daunting. But it doesn’t have to be. If you get started now, and ask the right questions along the way, it can even be exciting. Here are a few questions that should be top of mind.

  • The Private Giving Foundation was the first-of-its-kind fund in Canada. Jo-Anne Ryan, Executive Director and architect of the foundation speaks to us about the value of flexible giving and how you can make an impact with your good fortune.

  • Q: My dad is in his 70s and has mentioned moving in with his new girlfriend. Should we be concerned about protecting his assets if the relationship gains common-law status?

  • Too many Canadians are dying without a Will, leaving children, heirs and assets in limbo. Here’s why you should consider writing your own will today.

  • Financial scams and fraud come in many different forms. Sometimes they arrive in the form of a text message, email, or phone call, and often these forms for fraudulent communications are designed to look like they are coming from your bank.

  • We've all received those scary sounding text messages and emails claiming to be from our bank or other service provider. The person calling says that your account has been locked, or that you need to send them a money transfer, and that you need to click this link and enter your personal information as soon as possible, or else.